First Class Miners, Inc.


Upcoming Events

May 01, 2024.  FIRST DAY OF MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS: Membership for the 2024-2025 season starts on this day.  Application will be in newsletter as well as on line.  LAST DAY TO SUBMIT JULY 31

July 14 2024 (Sun) GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: 11AM (NOTE EARLER TIME!) General Membership meeting will be at Craig & Diana Drake’s house on the mesa in Yucca Valley. Directions and map will be in the newsletter. Do not forget your chair, drinks, and your potluck item. FCM to provide hamburgers and hotdogs.

August 09-11, 2024(Fri-Sun) RANGER STEVE ANNUAL INVITATIONAL CAMPOUT: Invitational Campout at Ranger Steve’s claim in Holcomb Valley (Big Bear). An unofficial private camp out hosted by Steve, open to all FCM members. Directions will be sent by email. Bring something for the Saturday night potluck.

September 14, 2024 (Sat) GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING:11 AM (NOTE EARLIER TIME!) General Membership meeting will be at Greg & Susan Herring’s house inPioneertown. Directions and map will be in the newsletter. Do not forget your chair, drinks, and your potluck item. FCM to provide hamburgers and hotdogs.


A 501C (3) Non-Profit Educational Corporation.

Dedicated to the advancement of education in placer gold prospecting and mining.