First Class Miners, Inc.


Welcome to First Class Miners Inc. A 501C (3) Non-Profit Educational Corporation Dedicated to the advancement of education in placer gold prospecting and mining.

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Please check Events  Calendar (under club information below) for more information

     October 19, 2024 (Sat) PIONEER DAYS 29 PALMS

    October 25-27, 2024 (Fri-Sun) VALLEY PROSPECTORS RENDEZVOUS --Ord Mt.

Be sure to check out Club Resources at the bottom of the page.

This includes membership information, previous events and videos.

Ranger Steve's Annual Holcomb Valley  Invitational

First Class Miners Rattlesnake Canyon Campout -May 31st - June 2nd, 2024...

The FCM Campout on the weekend of April 26-28, 2024 at Ord Mountain, This Campout was shared with Valley Prospectors of San Bernardino, Hi Desert Gold Diggers, and The Prospectors Club of Southern California. This slide show is of the Coin Hunt on Saturday, 4-27-2024 followed by the Pot Luck Dinner.  There were 25 participants in the coin hunt on April 27th at Ord Mountain. Two of which were youngsters including Wade age 13.  The hunt had 20 U.S. Antique Coins listed as prize tokens. The first 5 on that list were designated as Grand Prizes. Next, there were 20 Lincoln cents from 100+ years ago that were buried 3 to 4" deep. Then, there were two tiny Sim Cards from a cell phone at surface level. (The Bounty Hunter wouldn’t find these). There were also 500 common Dime coins. The token coins and dimes were hidden to be found at surface level. Not too difficult. The Lincolns were more difficult as they were deeper.


A 501C (3) Non-Profit Educational Corporation.

Dedicated to the advancement of education in placer gold prospecting and mining.